DATES: April 7, 8, 9
TIME: 8am-3pm each day
PLACE: Spirit Center
Enter Holy Week drawing closer to God in Holy Scripture. In this retreat, Jesus invites you to carefully read this divine word, meditate on its meaning, and have a conversation wiith Him about how His word is alive in your life. This 3 day retreat will intensely focus on Dr. Tim Gray's video series, Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God. Each day, you will learn step-by-step about Lectio Divina (Divine Reading), the ancient method of praying with the bible. With the help of Colleen Grady, you will practice this method, using guided deep reading of scripture, meditation, journaling God's conversation with you, and spending time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration.
Contact Colleen Grady to sign up for this session at: or call 239-774-337, ext. 302