Prayer shawls are made by men and women who prepare them with love. They pray over them for the intention of the person the shawl will be given to as a gift. They are gifted to those who are homebound or lonely, in the hospital or rehab, or maybe to someone who has recently given birth to a new baby!
Here is the wording that is written on the prayer card that is attached to the shawl when given to the recipient:
"Please accept this blessed prayer shawl as a gift. May you be touched by the presence of those who love and support you by faith in our gracious and compassionate God. Please know that each stitch made in this soft, washable shawl comes with our prayers. When you are in need of prayer, wrap yourself in the shawl and know that you are not alone. Be assured that this shawl carries the blessings, prayers and good wishes of your friends and family at St. Peter the Apostle Parish.
May God's Peace be with you!
The Prayer Shawl Ministry of St. Peter the Apostle Parish
Naples, Florida"