A Ministry is any activity or service of our parish, its organizations, and people, which helps our parish reach its goals by doing the work of Christ. Sharing our Time and talent expresses our gratitude to God who has given us these gifts.
To volunteer your Time and Talent to one of these ministries, we encourage you to contact the listed contact persons.
Attend funerals to give support to grieving families.
Contact Person:
Anita Price, Ministry Coordinator
Phone: 239-774-3337 ext. 215
Email: ministry@stpeternaples.org
Helping others through the grieving process after the loss of a loved one. Read more...
Contact Persons:
Ginny Nolan
A dynamic group of women who use their time and talents to serve our parish and community. Read more...
Meetings: 1st Friday 8:00 AM Mass followed by meeting in the Spirit Center.
Contact Person:
Deb Brereton, President
Women's service group affiliated with the Knights of Columbus. Learn more...
Regular Meeting 3rd Tuesday
Officers 6-7 pm - Ministry Center
Meeting 7-8 pm - Ministry Center
Contact Person:
Rosemary Woytowitz
Email: rmw4142@gmail.com
The Gabriel Network is a Christian ministry of loving service to women and families challenged with a crisis pregnancy.
Contact Person:
Carol Dangler
Phone: 239-601-7330
Taking the Eucharist to the Homebound and Retirement Homes
Contact Person:
Anita Price
Phone: 239-774-3337 ext. 215
Email: ministry@stpeternaples.org
A Catholic men's group serving their church and community while enhancing their faith. Learn more...
Regular Meeting 3rd Tuesday
Officers 6-7 pm - Spirit Center
Meeting 7-8 pm - Spirit Center
Contact Person:
Bob Jehring, Grand Knight
Email: rjehring@yahoo.com
Phone: 239-353-2676
Caballeros de Colon #14839
A Spanish speaking Catholic men's group serving their church and community while enhancing their faith. Learn more...
1st & 3rd Fridays
6:30 pm - Ministry Center
Contact Person:
Juan Perez
Phone: 239-250-2134
To help with religious education programs for children or adults.
Provides adult literacy tutoring for anyone who is seeking to improve their English skills.
Contact Person:
Phone: Reese Cumming
Email: 239-263-9104